July 2019 Dividend Review


Jumping July dividends are in the books and we are pleased to show them to you. I love sharing my dividends with you and love reading yours. My goal in this adventure is to get enough to pay all expenses when i take over the house from my MOM we have the house split 50/50 right now.

I have been going through selling some stocks to make my portfolio better which in the long run will benefit me better right now as i generally consider myself a buy and hold guy i do not want to fall in love with a stock where i lose lots of money.  I do not consider buying them a mistake its just that changes in what a want to do with my portfolio and those no longer apply. You can read about the buying and selling here.

As you can see I was paid 12 times by 12 companies. That comes out to $38.91 per company. 6 new stocks.  Buys and re investments have helped make up the difference. $466.95 was a nice haul for the first month of the quarter.

If i were to go to my Durango Joes coffee shop at 2.97 a cup times 31 is $92.07.  That would  leave me with a nice $374.88 to put towards my bills.   I am going to eventually put it all back in the stock market, I brought in 15.06 a day.  This is a 27.57 percent increase over last July. Total for year now I have brought in $3937.94 which brings our total per day $18.57.  Total lifetime tracked dividends is $20701.22. Definitely seeing the results each month. The 12 month estimated dividend stands at $6750.75 based on this month, through the end of 2019. You can see the results after time a mix of dividend reinvestment and adding on my own has helped this tremendously. This month would pay 3 of my bills with a little left over, but when I inherit the house I will have more so I want to be able to cover most of those also. Looking at the chart you can see what percentage of  dividend was from each company this month.  You can look at the past dividends page which has now been updated Past Dividends.

With $466.95 brought in this month and a total of $3937.94 I am 53.94  percent of my Bronze level goal of $7300.  This quarter it will probably drop a little before surging back in Quarter 4, I still expect to make my goal this year. My 12 month out  Prospective dividend rose from $6941.98 to 7262.14

I have been making some changes to my Portfolio,  to streamline it into a portfolio that is driven by dividend increases. The portfolio will be better in the long run because of this.

For those that like total return I am  gonna start including it in here, I myself just care about the dividends but some like the total return

Since June 18 when i first moved my money  through July 31st, 2019 i have a 9.81%  S&p 500 TR is 12.69%  increase. Increase from Jan 1st -July  31st 16.69%  S&p 500 TR is 20.24%  for the month of July it is 1.57% to 1.44%  to the S&P 500 TR.


How was your month? Let me know in the comments below.

Author: dividendsandhobbies

A Christian first and foremost. I love to invest fish grow a garden etc.

13 thoughts on “July 2019 Dividend Review”

  1. Solid month DH! Over $460 in dividends is a good haul and I’m loving that MO dividend. $130+ is fantastic and nearly 2.7 additional shares. Compounding at work! We had a pretty solid month all around. Dividends weren’t anything to get too excited about but it kept moving forward and they kept rolling in.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I can understand wanting to alter your portfolio, it’s very hard to say you’ll always have the same thoughts about a business, or it will always be a good performer – we sold some shares recently too!

    Good work with the dividends, almost $7,000 of dividends is a great total 🙂

    Mr DDU

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The almost $7,000 is the projected with this month added in it drops in the first 2 months then rises in the quarter ending month. Selling is tough but have to be able to know when to sell. Thanks for stopping by and commenting


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